Canadian Business & Management Programs Tips

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How do I obtain a distance Canadian Bachelor of Commerce?

Obtaining a Canadian Bachelor of Commerce (General Management)

The Canadian Bachelor of Commerce degree is the most popular business degree available. Designed for managers in both business and government settings, the Canadian Bachelor of Commerce in General Management is available internationally through open learning. Many U.S. and international students seeking to either work or do business with Canadian firms, enroll in the Bachelor of Commerce in General Management. This 120-credit degree is not designed for students looking to begin a full 4-year degree in business from the beginning.

Depending on how many credits a student receives recognition for, the Canadian Bachelor of Commerce consists of:

  • Core Knowledge : Management Principles and Practices, Business Management, Probability and Statistics and English
  • Electives: Economics macro and micro, Human Resource Management, Accounting, Marketing and Financial Management, Organizational Behaviour.
  • Concentration: Begins in the third year of University and goes into the fourth. There are seven areas of concentration within the Canadian Bachelor of Commerce degreee: Accounting, Human Resource Management, Information Systems Management, Leadership, Marketing, Public Sector Management and Technical Management.
The availability of the seven different concentrations allow students to specialize in one area. The concentrations allow graduates to directly enter the work force job ready, for different positions in management in both private and governmental positions.

How do I obtain a Canadian Diploma in Management studies?

Obtaining a Canadian Diploma in Management

The Canadian Diploma in Management is the second level of business training and education. This 60-credit or 2-year Diploma in Management consists of 15 core credits and 45 electives. For the electives, students choose courses to develop broad, general management skills or concentrate their studies in one of five different specialized areas of management. The Diploma in Management is an open learning diploma delivered by distance learning.

Graduates of the Certificate in Business Skills are automatically awarded the 15 core credit requirements for the diploma in management. Other students with relevant business certificates, training and prior education may apply to have it recognized through Prior Learning Assessment and Review (PLAR). This is especially helpful to U.S. and international students wanting to enroll in a Canadian Diploma in Management program.

Whats areas of specialization are available in the Diploma in Management?

  • Accounting
  • Global Entrepreneurship in the 21st century
  • Information technology
  • Leadership and organizational behaviour
  • Marketing


Obtaining a Canadian Bachelor of Commerce (General Management)

If you're interested in obtaining your Canada Bachelor of Commerce degree, be sure you meet the eligibility requirements. Below are the guidelines outlining who is eligible for entrance into the Canada Bachelor of Commerce degree and what prior learning recognition is given.

  1. Canadian residents with a 2-year community college diploma in business - up to 60 credits granted.
  2. BCIT diploma (British Columbia Institute of Technology Diploma) - up to 72 credits granted.
  3. Certified Management Accountants (CMA) who have completed and passed their exam - up to 90 credits granted.
  4. International students wanting to obtain a Canadian qualification may have up to 50 percent of their prior education recognized though Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)
  5. Students currently enrolled in the CMA or CGA (Certified General Accountants program) may be given conditional admittance into the Bachelor of Commerce degree.

Can I study for a distance Canadian graduate degree in Business?

Obtaining an Advanced Diploma/MBA in Management

The Advanced Graduate Diploma in Management is designed for working managers from any industry, who do not have an undergraduate degree. No formal education requirements are needed, but an enrollee must be able to demonstrate that they have spent several years as a working manager. The Advanced Diploma in Management is a two-tiered program.

Why take the Advanced Diploma in Management?

  1. The Academic Focus - working managers learn solid academic business skills. These new skills help support and enhance existing skills. Graduates can take newly learned skills directly to their workplace.
  2. Weed Out the Competition - sooner or later, most managers without a business diploma or degree will find further career advancement difficult, if not impossible. Obtaining an academic foundation not only can give job security, but can allow managers to apply for different managerial positions.
  3. Out-maneuver the Competition - learning academic business skills makes managers more aware of the strengths and weaknesses that exist in their own workplace and those of the competition. Competitive plans of action can be hatched and put into place.
Whats courses are involved in the Advanced Diploma in Management?

All courses involved in the Advanced Diploma in Management offered through Athabasca University distance learning are mandatory. There are no electives.

  1. Strategic Management
  2. Analytical Tools
  3. Financial and Management Accounting
  4. Operations Management
  5. Comprehensive Exam
Offered through Open Learning with winter, spring and fall enrollment, students can take up to three years to complete the diploma. Successful completion of the Advanced Diploma in Management is called Phase 1. Non-degree holders can then apply to Phase 2, which is the Master's of Business Administration completed through distance learning at Athabasca University.

Can I obtain post Bachelor distance Business skills?

Obtaining a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Business Administration

The Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Business Administration is available through open learning.
International applicants are encouraged to apply. The enrollment requirement for the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Business is a B.A. from any discipline. Typically, enrolling students have little or no previous business training or education.

Made up of 15 credits, the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Business Administration is designed as a job-ready credential. Graduates will find they are at ease participating and interacting in the Canadian business world.

The 15 credits, equal to one full semester of university are:

  • Decision Making - 3 credits
  • Interpersonal/People Management - 3 credits
  • Conceptual - 3 credits composed of Commerce in a Competitive Environment, Leadership and Project Leadership.
  • Business Management Electives - 6 credits, or two courses from Accounting, Marketing, or Business Law and Statistics.

How do I obtain basic Canadian business skills?

Obtaining a Canadian Certificate in Business Skills

The Canadian Certificate in Business Skills is a foundation program. Taken by Canadians seeking basic business skill, business owners and stay-at-home moms returning to the work force. Successful completion of the Certificate in Business Skills allows student to continue with a university business diploma, if they wish to do so.

What's involved in the Certificate in Business Skills?

  • One mandatory English credit
  • Three mandatory computer credits
  • Nine credits from the first or second year of university from administration, business, English, math, statistics and communications.
Many U.S. and international students wishing to acquire a basic grounding and understanding of Canadian business take the Certificate in Business Skills program.

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